Which is Better? Poppi or Olipop


I love this new trend of healthier soda pop! It’s so fun to have something at night that isn’t alcoholic, but is refreshing.

So which is better?! 

There are a few different healthier soda pop brands, but I think the most popular are Poppi and Olipop.

Let’s start with Poppi. It uses sparkling water and cane sugar as the first two ingredients, which I don’t love when sugar is one of the first ingredients. However, the can has less than 25 calories so there isn’t a TON of sugar. Nothing like a regular soda pop. It also uses apple cider vinegar and that is great for gut health. Apple cider vinegar can help reduce bloating by creating a healthier stomach environment. Poppi does use natural flavors… and that’s a negative in my book. 

Olipop has a bit more calories and a bit more carbs, but that is because it uses fiber. Fiber helps to regulate your blood sugar so this is a good thing. Remember, regulating your blood sugar is foundational for a healthy metabolism. If you have a hard time digesting fiber, this drink could cause some distress. However, your body should be able to digest fiber so if you struggle with that we should chat!

Like I mentioned earlier, both of these are better options than soda because we know for a fact that sugary beverages are linked to poor health outcomes. So by just looking at the nutrition labes, I'm choosing OLIPOP because of the fiber and because they are so transparent on their website. Also… Olipop tends to taste better :)


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