Meet Kelsey Sniegowski RD, LD
It has been almost 10 years since I started practicing as a dietitian and teaching fitness classes! I’ve been in the wellness world for a long time, and it has been an honor to help hundreds of clients through the years. I have come across so many different women with so many different conditions, but all have one thing in common…
They just want to feel so much better.
And I get it. I have been there too. After years of under eating and overexercising (hello, diet culture), I eventually hit burnout. My energy was horrible, I gained 20 pounds, my skin was breaking out... Not to mention I went on and off birth control for years to try to “fix” it all. I knew I wanted a deeper approach and a better way to live because I felt just awful. I was NOTHING like my former self. What happened to me?!
I went to doctor after doctor trying to figure out what was wrong, but everything came back “normal”. It really didn’t make any sense because I knew something was off. It wasn’t until I found functional nutrition that everything finally changed.
How I learned what I do:
BS In Nutrition and Dietetics from Kansas State University
Dietetic Internship from Northwest Missouri State
Completed Master classes and non-thesis project at University of Kansas Medical Center
Functional Nutrition Practitioner Institute training with Nutrition by Robyn