When can I lose weight postpartum?

This is a common question I get as a functional practitioner, but it’s one that many women are afraid to admit.

So I’d first like to be a safe space for you to say that you want to lose weight! It’s OK to want to feel stronger, fit into your clothes and just feel like YOU again.

I just want to make sure it’s done in a healthy way and that your body is ready for it because while weight loss is a great goal it can be an added stressor on the body if it’s not ready.

How do you know your body is ready for weight loss postpartum?

  • You are out of the newborn phase (so 3 months minimum)

  • You are getting at least 4-5 hour chunks of sleep (so baby is only waking up 1-2 times or sleeping through the night)

  • You don’t have any excess bleeding

  • You don’t have extreme pelvic pain

  • You don’t have dizzy spells (this can be from blood loss and/or low iron from birth)

  • You have the mental space and energy to cook, exercise and wind down at night (if you’re not there yet, that’s ok!)

I think it’s important to be honest about where you are in your postpartum journey because I want you to have success in a weight loss phase. Part of the success comes from being prepared for it. Of course with anything there is never an absolute perfect time for a change, but there are better times than others.

Another tool I love to use is testing. I will run a full panel of metabolism tests for my clients to ensure their body is ready and to create a strategy for THEIR body. I’ll look to see:

  • Is there thyroid working slow?

  • Is there body making too much insulin?

  • Is leptin resistance causing weight loss resistance?

And many other tests to get the full picture and a strategy tailored to your needs. Check out my metabolism labs freebie to see what other labs I would order for you in my coaching program!

So if you find yourself ready for a weight loss phase, here are my first steps for a healthy strategy:

  1. Even though we just covered it I’ll mention it again: testing! I love to test instead of guess

  2. Track your food intake for 5-7 days so you can get an idea where your current habits are (most women aren’t eating enough!). Protein is the first place I focus on with clients.

  3. Start taking daily minerals. Here is a link to my favorite powder: Rayvi

  4. Assess your current supplements. Some supplements can cause more harm than good so you want to be very strategic here!

  5. Smart exercise. I say smart because not all exercise is created equal and not all exercise is good for a weight loss phase. Do movement that feels good and isn’t going to create more stress on the body!

And of course if you want extra support and dive in deeper to you plan, apply to work with me! I’d love to be in your corner and help you kick of your health journey postpartum.

Xoxo Kels


Rotisserie Chicken is Changing My Life


My client had to STOP taking Vitamin D for her metabolism