Post Birth Control Acne: What To Eat (and one thing to avoid!)

post birth control syndrome, acne, acne foods, magnesium, estrogen dominance

  1. Foods in high magnesium. This mineral is often depleted while you’re on birth control and it is needed for a healthy liver. The liver plays a vital role in balancing your hormones once you come off. Remember, birth control suppresses your sex hormones (like flat lines them) so when you come off your body has to relearn how to produce and regulate them. The liver has to be in good health for this to happen. Add cooked spinach, white beans, avocados and nuts to your daily routine.

  2. Eat broccoli and even better–broccoli sprouts. One of the main reasons that coming off birth control can cause acne is because of the increase of the hormone called estrogen. This often “rebounds” in response or was already high because you were on a progesterone only pill. Broccoli and broccoli sprouts can help naturally metabolize estrogen and lower levels. I would start adding these in stir fry or roast for a side!

  3. Increase fruit. This will increase your levels of potassium which is vital for gut health. Gut health is 100% connected to our skin health so when the skin is unhealthy it’s most likely the gut is too. This isn’t talked about enough, but it needs to be a priority when we see the skin red, inflamed, itchy and/or has acne. Add these to salads, as a side or a snack!

  4. Try seaweed and kelp sprinkles. This is a good source of iodine which many women I work with are very low in. Iodine is a HUGE component in thyroid health because the thyroid hormone is literally made of iodine molecules, and birth control is extremely hard on the thyroid. (It’s interesting that so many women are diagnosed with hypothyroidism these days…) So this mineral is so helpful! While most people don’t think of thyroid health and acne being related, they definitely are. The thyroid is the master of your metabolism and a healthy metabolism is foundational for skin health. You can have seaweed for a snack and add kelp sprinkles to your salads or stir fry. 

  5. Decrease alcohol. This doesn’t have to be a forever thing, but it’s a good goal to have a few months post birth control. Alcohol decreases estrogen metabolism and makes it harder to get rid of excess amounts. So if you drink alcohol every night (even one glass!), it can decrease the speed at which your body figures out how to balance your hormones. This would just be a good way to support your liver and allow it to do its job well as you rest post BC. 

Looking for a more individualized approach to acne and metabolism? Apply to work with me 1:1! We will match your symptoms to your labs and create an individualized strategy to clear your skin!


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