3 Things That Are Slowing Your Metabolism (and they might surprise you)

Metabolism is an area I have been researching for years. I love talking about it because it’s connected to EVERYTHING in health, but it is also so misunderstood. I even at one point was misunderstanding what metabolism meant until I started diving deep into functional nutrition.

We can go a lot of different directions when talking about metabolism like PMS issues, acne, PCOS, weight loss resistance and even bloating so instead of talking about different diagnoses, I’m going to talk about 3 major contributors to that slow metabolism. Anything that slows metabolism can impact any of the issues listed above so this can be really helpful to anyone wanting a change in their overall health.

And these really might surprise you so keep an open mind while reading and of course reach out with questions (message me on instagram @nutritionwitkels)

  1. EXERCISE: I’m sorry, what? I thought exercise sped up the process and helped with things like energy and weight loss? It’s true exercise can do that IF done right and strategically depending on your diagnoses and what stage of healing you’re in when you work with me (I have 3 phases: Rest, Rebuild and Restore. Learn more about my 1:1 option here). Exercise is a stressor even thought it’s good stressor. So if done too intensely when you already have a slow thyroid, bloating or badddd PMS, it will actually slows your metabolism even more. Walking, yoga and barre are all great options for this phase, but things like intense cardio or extreme weight lifting can be too much. My favorite way to tell if you’re doing too much is to check your temperature and pulses. You can learn more about that here.

  2. LOW CARB: We need carbs for energy and it’s the preferred source for our body. Yes, it does need to be healthy carbs like potatoes, fruits and even juices (yes, fresh juice is soooo good for you!) Energy creates heat and heat is a sign that metabolism is robust. A more energized and robust metabolism, the healthier you will be. This will also allow your body to be in a weight loss phase that is healthy.

  3. CAFFEINE: This one is so hard to believe because caffeine is in a lot of exercise drinks that “promote weight loss”. Again, this can be true when it gives you a boost of energy and can help get a great workout (and as a result build muscle). However, if we are chronically tired, not eating enough anddddd exercising too much, caffeine can just fuel the fire. Caffeine can eventually lead to high cortisol levels, which promotes weight gain. It also leaves us feeling wired, but tired. The body can live in this state for a long time, but it will eventually come down and have total fatiue (and then we see a crash in cortisol). Learn more about fatigue and how it can impact your weight loss efforts here.

And if you’re like.. HELLO this is me! But I’m not really sure where to start…

Good news! I have just launched my new Metabolism Starter Pack for anyone like you who is wanting more answers, deeper understanding of their body and a strategic plan for THEIR body! Learn more about it here and sign up before doors close on April 2nd!


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