5 Myths About Weight Loss

metabolism healing, metabolism booster, weight loss tips, weight loss strategy, weight loss myths, nutrition myths, nutrition coach, Kansas City dietitian

MYTH 1: You can lose weight at anytime

Diet culture makes us believe we can drop everything (including weight) if we just start cutting calories TODAY! But have you ever thought about prepping for a weight loss phase? Have you ever thought that might make you even more successful if you prep well? Imagine going into a meeting with just notes plugged in from google and hoping it goes well! I’m guessing… it wont..

Our body doesn’t want to lose weight so we have to make sure we do everything we can to decrease stress and prep for this phase well so we can make this weight loss phase successful.

MYTH 2: Any exercise is good for weight loss as long as I’m doing it daily

As I mentioned above, while weight loss can be a good thing it’s still a stressor. So if we are not strategic with our exercise during a weight loss phase, we are going to cause more stress. That will make the body resist fat changes because of this. We want movement that will support fat loss versus muscle gain in this phase (that is how we decrease stress with exercise).

MYTH 3: Only macronutrients matter

If you have been with me for awhile you know about my obsession with MINERALS. And those are micronutrients! The real MVP most days. Yes carbs, fat and protein still play a vital role, but they can’t do their job without micronutrients. So that means your macronutrient ratio will not matter if you don’t also have proper micronutrient balance.

MYTH 4: There’s room for all food when I’m losing weight

This is an unpopular opinion because we don’t want to create a negative relationship with food. I totally understand that and honestly if you do have a negative relationship with food, that relationship should be your number one priority before weight loss. If you are in a healthy place, there are foods we will encourage more than others. Remember, we want the fat loss phase to be short (so not all year long) and getting the right foods for you in your routine will help you get there faster.

MYTH 5: I can do this on my own

When has anyone that has ever been successful done so alone? The first thing most people say when they are accepting is award is “I’d like to thank…..” We are all more successful in community and with healthy relationships (science actually proves this!) so having a nutrition coach in your corner will set you up for success far beyond trying to google a plan by yourself. Plus it’s way more fun to do with someone and know you’re not alone!

SO what do you think? Did any of these shock you? Message me your questions! I’d love to help. You can reach me on instagram @nutritionwithkels


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