I’ve got 99 problems and birth control isn’t solving any of them
What a HOT topic! So before we dive into it, this is a good time to remind you that I am pro EDUCATION so women can make an informed decision.
I am not anti-birth control.
So let’s get into why I am pro-education. Well, to put it simply I don’t think most women know exactly what birth control does to their bodies… because their doctor didn’t tell them :)
Birth control suppresses your hormones. It does not fix them. So while it can be helpful short term for symptoms like painful periods, extreme bleeding, mood disorder, acne and more…
It doesn’t actually fix the problem.
It just covers it up until you decide to come off birth control. Birth control can also create a lot of symptoms like mood changes, NO libido, anxiety, acne, gut inflammation and more. I see women get caught in the cycle of coming off and on birth control.
It's pretty much like a “damned if you do damned if you don’t” type situation.
Untilllll you know what to do to get out of the cycle. The body really does want to heal when you give it the right tools. If you are one of the many women feeling stuck, I have a starting place for you (here in this email).
Here are 3 strategies to help support your body on birth control or help your body transition off birth control:
Get enough protein
Not only is it important to get enough protein, but you want to make sure you’re actually absorbing it. Your mineral test can show you if you’re struggling to absorb enough protein.
Strategic Supplements
Magnesium is BIG for decreasing period symptoms, more energy and less stress. BUT if other minerals are depleted, supplementing magnesium may not feel very good. Check instead of guess!
Monitor Alcohol
Drinking alcohol can increase the amount of estrogen in the body. This causes symptoms like cramping, acne, weight gain and moodiness.
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