How to Have Pain Free Periods

Imagine this: Having a menstrual cycle that doesn’t cost you time, energy and make you feel like you’re still 15 years old… A menstrual cycle that doesn’t make you breakout like crazy, debilitates you with gut wrenching cramps or makes you carry around LOADS of tampons because you have to change every hour…

You probably think I’m crazy right? How is this possible? And how is this possible without BIRTH CONTROL?! 

Spoiler alert: It’s 100% possible. It takes time and strategic steps (and we can dive more what works for you in my 1:1 coaching program), but for today I want to focus on the LIVER. It plays a HUGE role so I think it’s best we start there. I know we don’t typically think of the liver when it comes to women’s reproductive health, but I promise you they are intimately connected. 

Actually, the liver is one of the most important organs in the body and doesn’t just play a role in women’s hormones. It is responsible for breaking down toxins and filtering waste from the blood (you can read more about the liver detox phases here), and when the liver is functioning properly, it plays a vital role in regulating hormones involved in the menstrual cycle. However, when the liver is sluggish or not functioning optimally, it can have a significant impact on period health. 

Let’s dive deeper…

The liver and hormonal balance:

The liver is responsible for metabolizing and detoxifying hormones like I mentioned, including estrogen and progesterone. When one or both of these hormones is out of balance, that is when we see the horrible PMS symptoms rise. What I see most common with my clients is estrogen dominance. This happens often after coming off birth control, livnig in a constant stress state and/or dealing with gut infections. We often refer to it as estrogen dominance even though that isn’t a term used often in the conventional world. 

What is Estrogen Dominance?

Estrogen dominance is a condition where there is too much estrogen relative to progesterone in the body. So, basically there is a LOT more estrogen in the body than we need. In the picture below you can see the difference in the hormones levels

This imbalance can lead to a variety of symptoms that you are probably familiar with, including irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and PMS. Remember, the liver comes into play here because the liver is responsible for metabolizing estrogen. So when the liver can’t do that properly because of slow metabolism, infections, poor detox, poor lymph etc, the estrogen will stay in the body. 

How do I help my liver detox estrogen? I’m DYING to have better periods!

First, take a breath and KNOW that you can get better. Even if you have had bad periods since you were 15, things can improve! 

  1. Eat animal protein. The liver needs complete protein sources to function and protein is better absorbed from animal sources

  2. Avoid alcohol and drugs: Alcohol and drugs can be particularly hard on the liver, and can significantly decrease estrogen metabolism 

  3. Reduce exposure to environmental toxins: This can be cleaning products, beauty products (find my favorite clean beauty products here)

  4. Supplements: Magnesium is a BIG one here. Start slow and monitor symptoms. Most people are really low in magnesium, but if you add too much too quickly you can have gut symptoms and/or anxiety. It’s kind of like if you never had caffeine and then you had 3 shots of espresso. You want to go slooooooow. 

  5. Eat broccoli sprouts: Studies show this helps metabolize estrogen! 

  6. Have daily BMs: Think Fluids + Movement = BM. Be properly hydrated and incorporate daily movement that feels good to have healthy bowel movements. You can find my favorite mineral powder here to help with hydration. You need minerals to hydrate well! 

  7. Consult a healthcare professional: This is a shameless plug because I even got a healthcare professional to help me when I was having horrible periods, acne and weight gain. I needed an outside perspective and doing it on my own was too much. Having someone to consult relieves stress and you don’t have to come up with your plan for healing! I can do that for you in my 1:1 coaching. 

Questions? Message me on instagram! I’d love to connect and help you on your health journey! 



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