My Morning Routine for More Energy

My morning routine makes it or breaks it for me each day. That sounds dramatic because you can change your day at any moment that you really choose to, BUT having my morning routine in place sets me up for a great day.

And when I don’t stick to it… I see a HUGE difference in energy, focus and motivation. I have to spend so much brain power making decisions every single day (I’m sure you can relate) that it is SO helpful to have a routine in place that I don’t even have to think about anymore. I just do it and I end up craving it each day because it makes me feel more alive. Again, dramatic but true.

So rather than waking up and asking yourself, “what should I have for breakfast?”

or automatically grabbing your phone to start scrolling…

Or checking your emails without even thinking about it..

And then all of the sudden you have 20 minutes to get ready and you PANIC..

Instead, I encourage you… no… I URGE YOU to start a morning routine. It is the easiest and quickest way to start getting more energy when you wake up and throughout the day. Take my routine and make it your own or copy exactly what I do! I’ve done years of research & experimenting and I know what works for me and I think it’ll work great for you too.

Step 1: Grab a book, journal or a NEWSPAPER (if you know what this is) instead of your phone in the morning.

We all know scrolling is bad, but we do it anyway, right? Maybe more of the studies coming out will help us break this bad habit. There is direct correlation between decreased DOPAMINE (so your feel good hormone) and scrolling. The more you scroll the less dopamine you will make. So to put it simply… the more you scroll the more you are setting ourselves up to feel sad and depressed. Who wants to start the day with that?!

Step 2: Go get your minerals before coffee.

Minerals are life. Minerals help metabolism. Minerals help adrenals. Minerals help gut health. You need them every day, and you need them before you shock your system with caffeine. I love RAYVI minerals and the adrenal mocktail mix from Jigsaw health.

Step 3: Eat some protein

Grab greek yogurt, egg sammy or take time to make an omelet (if that’s your thing). Right now, I have been eating yogurt in the morning right after minerals. If you aren’t hungry in the morning (which by the way is a sign you have a poor functioning metabolism), stir in a scoop of collagen protein powder in juice and drink!

Step 4: Go outside to see the sun or use a Happy Light to stimulate cortisol

The sun helps set your circadian rhythm and stimulate energy through cortisol. It gets real cold where I live so I also have a Happy Light that stimulates cortisol in the same way. I use it during the cold months and in the afternoon if I feel an energy dip.

Step 5: Take a deep breath.

While you probably don’t reallllly have to think about breathing, I also need to think about breathing. I’m sure you have seasons of being SO stressed that you have short, shallow breaths, and you probably never take the time to FULLY breath in and out…. and doing it slowwwwly. You don’t have to sit on a pillow and meditate every morning, but taking 3 slow breaths can help reset your nervous system.

Step 6 & 7 : Wait at least 30 minutes after you wake up to check your schedule or to drink your coffee (this naturally happens when you stick to steps 1-5 FIRST)

The second you check your schedule is the second you set off your stress system. The schedule can wait until you take care of yourself.

And while caffeine may get you going, it can also negatively impact your metabolism and adrenals when you drink it on an empty stomach. WAIT. Wait. 30 minutes. Then maybe 60 minutes. The goal is to eventually wait for an hour after waking to have caffeine. Actually the goal is to eventually be able to wake up and feel energized without caffeine. I help clients achieve this goal all the time in my 1:1 coaching program.

Step 8: GO!

NOW you can go about your day! Try this 7 days in a row and tell me if you feel any different! I can’t wait to see the progress you make with your morning routine.

If you want more information on how to overcome burnout, feel more energized and balance your hormones, join my FREE nutrition class on Tuesdays! A new class drops every week on Tuesday at 12:30pm and includes a variety of topics that will help you learn how to be energized, balance your hormones and overcome a slow metabolism.

Click the button to get on the list and have a weekly email with your nutrition class link!


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