How to Get More Energy Without Caffeine

Here’s the thing— you don’t have to give up coffee FOREVER ☕️ I totally get that some people just love the ritual, the smell and the Starbucks rewards!

I’m just saying that if you need coffee to function… like you can’t be a human without it… your body may not be producing it’s own energy 💃

Why does that matter? Well, it’s a sign that you’re on the road to burnout. That can eventually lead to:

➡️Chronic fatigue

➡️Bloating & cramping

➡️Painful periods

➡️Ovulation issues

➡️Weight loss resistance

Let me be clear— I am NOT saying coffee directly causes all of those symptoms. I am saying that relying on coffee for energy is a SIGN that you could be on the road to some of those symptoms and burn out.

When you have coffee (or any caffeine source) in the morning before eating, it will stimulate cortisol production. Hence, why caffeine is considered a stimulant. The first few days feels great. Maybe even years! You feel the burst of energy and motivation to crush the day. However, this is actually training the body to RELY on caffeine to produce cortisol instead of things like the sun, healthy circadian rhythm and nutritious food. Over time the body starts to slow down because it’s not producing natural energy and it’s overworked by the caffeine.

Let me ask you this, have you ever felt a horrible headache, fatigue and almost hung over when you don’t get your morning coffee? Yeah… that is a sign your body is addicted. I know it feels impossible to not have caffeine in the morning, but I promise if you start to work towards creating natural energy, you feel SO much better. There is a big difference between waking up rested and waking up crawling to the coffee machine.

Here are some quick tips to get your body to start producing it's own energy:

-See the sunlight in the AM before anything else! Or use a sun lamp.

-Drink a mineral mock-tail or lemon water before any caffeine. My favorite recipes that are super easy linked here.

-Wait to drink any caffeine until AFTER breakfast

-Don’t workout on just caffeine or be sure to eat RIGHT after you workout in the AM!

Do these consistently and you’ll start to retrain your adrenals to produce energy again.

Want to learn more? Join my FREE nutrition class that launches April 18th at 12:30pm! This free class will teach you the introductory steps into transforming your health. Don’t let the “intro” scare you off. I promise it’s extremely effective and include steps I take with every single one of my 1:1 clients! Click the link the photo to save a seat!


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The Easiest Way to Get More Energy: Mineral Mock-tails