The Worst Dieting Advice: Intermittent Fasting

The Worst Dieting Advice: Intermittent Fasting

When I say I was obsessed with intermittent fasting, I mean I was OBSESSED. It seemed like the very clear, black and white answer I was looking for when I was struggling with weight, low energy and acne. It lowered insulin (temporarily), it gave me more energy (because I was running on stress hormones) and I saw WEIGHT LOSS. 

So I was hooked pretty quickly and kept it going for quite awhile. Little did I know it was slowly chipping away at my thyroid, adrenal health and metabolism. I was so focused on how it could help with fat loss because it lowered insulin (again temporarily), that I didn’t realize it was raising cortisol, stressing out my thyroid and it was slowing down my gut.

This was also a time where I was exercising A LOT. I was dancing professionally so obviously I was very active daily, which is not a bad thing. However, when you are trying to lose weight and be very active at the same time, that is when we see chaos in the body. 

I was stressed from over exercising, not allowing myself to eat for 16 hours a day annnnnd did I mention I was on a low carb diet? I was soooo depleted in minerals, dehydrated and was running on complete fumes. I honestly thought something was seriously wrong with me. I felt so burned out and depleted that I wanted a significant diagnosis like Addison’s disease to explain how I was feeling. I mean… I was doing all the things “right” HOW could I be this run down?

This ended up being the tipping point for me into functional nutrition. I was dedicated to the conventional method of ‘eat less and do more’ for so long AND the trendy style of intermittent fasting that I used to ROLL my eyes when I saw functional nutrition posts (I’m so sorry to all my functional nutrition friends. I believe you now). Then when nothing that I had done in the past was working and I was drinking three V8 energy drinks a day (that was a lot for me), I started to scroll back to these “functional nutrition” dietitians.

“Well.. they must be up to something” I thought.

“Because all these people say they feel better” I pondered. 
“I guess I’ll give it a whirl” I questioned. 

Actually the truth is I did watch these instagram posts for a year before I pulled the trigger, but I got to the point I was so miserable I just said YES to the functional nutrition program. I don’t think I even asked about the price, which I know is usually irresponsible, but it was probably one of the best investments I have ever made. 

Simply because I felt like a completely different person after implementing so many functional nutrition strategies that conventional medicine would probably say “isn’t real”. The weight loss was an added bonus for sure and I’m not shaming anyone who wants that, but more importantly I felt like myself again. I obviously loved it so much I started a business to help other women to feel their best and experience transformation as well. That is where the 1:1 coaching came in and where I get to really dive deep with clients on how their body is functioning, 

However, in the last year or so with the turn of the economy, I have had a lot of clients show SO much interest in working with me, but just didn’t have the funds for the full 4-month program. So that is why I created the metabolism starter pack. It’s an intro package for anyone that wants more in-dept labs and an individualized strategy without the full commitment right away. 

This is brand new and I’m so excited to drop here in a few weeks. If this sounds like something you are interested in learning about, join the waitlist to get emails on allllll the info. OR if you just want to know more about why I don’t like intermittent fasting and my story :) just message me on instagram. I’d love to chat! 


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