My Morning Routine


If I had it my way, my morning routine would consist of emails, instagram posts, running to the studio and creating a new business plan. It feels very natural to just get up and GO. There is something in me that says if I get as many tasks done as I can before 8 am then I win.

That is the biggest lie :)

I love goals and I love to work, but I have found that if I don’t have intention for the day, I will find myself climbing up the wrong ladder. Nothing is more frustrating than getting to the top of a ladder to realize you placed it on the wrong wall.

When I don’t plan well I’ll do something like answer an instagram message from a stranger that asked about weight loss in 2019 (because that was still a lead?). Don’t get me wrong, I love chatting in the DMs and answering questions, but is that what needs to be done first thing in the morning? No. Little things like that start a ripple effect of random tasks.

Due to this tendency, I have had a lot of days ending with exhaustion and feeling anything but accomplished. Have you ever felt that way? Like you have been spinning on a Peloton bike for an hour and you find yourself still in your bedroom? That is frustrating to be cycling and to move literally no where. Plus, it’s confusing because you can get a lottttttt done, but at the end of the day it didn’t really move your towards your goals.

So, I started a morning routine. And here is the biggest tip: my morning routine starts at 8pm the night before.

Yes, I start to plan the morning before I go to bed because [for me] one of the most taxing things I have to do is make decisions. When ‘yesterday Kelsey’ already made a decision for me today, it saves me time and energy. I will quite literally get out my planner, look at the next day and organize tasks. Then, I will figure out when I am going to be home and when I am going to be on the go so I can plan my meals appropriately. I am WAY less stressed when meals are planned and ready instead of having to zip over to Trader Joes in between Pure Barre classes.

Now, in addition to the nightly routine I do have some things in place that I do every morning. These simple steps support my energy levels, skin and overall health that I will share with you too. I just think mental health, which includes planning well, reduces stress just as much as the other components of a healthy lifestyle.

Here is my staple steps in my morning routine that are non-negotiable:

Morning minerals in orange juice [I’m sure you have heard me talk about the Adrenal Cocktail mix from Jigsaw health]. Minerals are needed for SO much in the body. I promise if you start this you will feel a difference in your energy levels

Protein. Women in general do not get enough protein so having this first thing in the morning can really set you up for success and adequate energy. Just carbohydrates can make you feel tired and unmotivated by the afternoon. I like to put collagen protein powder in my steel cut oats or have an egg sandwich.

Journaling. I will admit that I get tempted to skip this one because it doesn’t seem like it’s helping me reach my goals, but it’s by far the most important. It helps create a positive mindset for the day, which is absolutely needed for a good day. Sometimes I will simply just list things I’m grateful for which has been scientifically proven to increase dopamine levels.

Movement. I really wish I could go to a workout class first thing in the morning, but where I am at in life it can be difficult. So instead I will walk the neighborhood or attempt a workout at home. I honestly do not care for working out at home so walking is my number one choice. Walking is also underrated. I swear the days I go for a walk I have far more energy than the days I don’t.

Skin care. I have struggled with adult acne for the last 10 years so the morning definitely calls for some skin TLC. Side note: I’m fairly certain my adult acne was triggered from birth control, but that is for a different post on a different day. I use the Face Reality skincare line that includes face wash, toner and moisturizer.

One day I will add a smoothie to this routine, but cleaning a blender each morning hasn’t been as appealing as overnight oats. [Smoothies are an awesome way to start your day with a lot of nutrients so it feels pretty good to add that in]. Maybe you already do all of things or maybe your morning looks totally different. Do whatever works for you, but if you have been struggling with energy levels or even being able to get out of bed, start to implement 1 or 2 of these each month. Adjust as needed and explore new ways to make your morning something you truly enjoy.

If you need more help with your energy levels be sure to stay in touch! I have a free energy guide dropping soon so scroll down and drop you email :) This guide will have tips to increase your energy and include my daily schedule that is designed specifically to reverse chronic fatigue.

xoxo- Kels


Are Your Insulin Levels Winning?


Morning ‘Go-Go’ Minerals