Low Energy is a RED FLAG

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Did you know that you’re supposed to feel rested, ready for the day and feel your energy rising even before you have caffeine? I didn’t know, or believe, that either until a few years ago. I thought it was normal to feel just exhausted because life is just so busy. 

Which is a phrase I’m starting to have a love/hate relationship with. It’s not a lie that many of us are busy, but I think we use it as a cop out because what other choice do we have? What in the world are we going to cut out to make life easier and more sustainable? How will we make our health a priority? 

Let me backup and talk more about what low energy is really trying to tell you before we get into how we can change this exhausted state.. Low energy can be a sign of just a few things or a whole list of things going on that is causing you to feel run down. I have listed what I have seen with my clients over the years. 

Reasons for Low Energy:

  • Not eating enough

  • Exercising too much

  • Too much screen time

  • Not enough sunlight

  • Slow metabolism 

  • Low minerals and vitamins

  • Not enough protein 

  • Not enough carbs

  • Gluten 

  • Breathing with your mouth at night (might need mouth tape)

  • Low stomach acid

  • SIBO or bacteria overgrowth

  • Yeast overgrowth

  • Hpylori 

  • Other gut infections

  • Estrogen dominance 

  • Birth control 

  • Stress :) 

That’s a lot, right? My intention isn’t to overwhelm you with that list, but to show you that low energy means way more than just needing a second Starbucks drink. It really is the body trying to tell you something, and I encourage you to listen. Again, I think we ignore this red flag because it feels like there is NO way we can make any changes or have room to make health a priority, but I am here to tell you that is a lie. It’s often a lie we tell ourselves either because we don’t think it’s possible, we don’t deserve it, everything will crumble if we slow down or that one that gets me – other people will get ahead of me if I slow down at all. That’s my enneagram 3 talking, but for you it may be something totally different.

Whatever the reason is for you, I still encourage you to push back on it because one day your body will say ENOUGH. You might start experiencing things like chronic colds or infections, hair loss or skin damage, rashes, bloating, difficulty getting pregnant, horrible PMS, anxiety that you have never felt before or just simply not feeling like yourself. 

So the best thing you can do is start small. Here is a list of things I like to implement when I’m starting to feel sluggish, and I ask my clients to do it as well. 

  • Start the day outside, reading or walking instead of being on your phone or laptop

  • Drink tea or water before caffeine 

  • Eat before caffeine 

  • Pull back on cardio 

  • Go to bed 30 minutes earlier 

  • Take the TV out of the bedroom 

  • Find a new hobby 

  • Hire an assistant 

  • Use a meal service or grocery shopping assistant like instacart 

  • Drink plenty of water with minerals 

These are all things that may seem like they won’t make a difference, but I promise if you choose even just one to start implementing this week you will start to feel better. Over time you can add more to continue to see progress. Remember that this energy problem didn’t bloom overnight. It’s something that has been building up overtime so it will take time to see permanent changes. 

If you do this for several weeks or months and still don’t see changes, you can still dig deeper. Invest in your health and order some labs to get more information on what is going on inside your body. Like on the cellular level. I do this with clients so I can create the most  individualized approach to a better metabolism and more energy. Download my metabolism labs freebie to learn more about what I like to order. You may actually already have a lot of these labs drawn so it’s something you could start looking into today. 

Download here and then massage me if you have any questions!


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