Insulin: The Fat Storage Hormone We Should Care About

Insulin is something we should all care about, but most people only think of it when it comes to diabetes. It’s actually a hormone that is so important for a healthy metabolism, energy and even gut health. So while you may have never even thought about diabetes, it’s important to know about insulin and how it’s functioning in your body.

Insulin is an anabolic hormone meaning it builds things UP. This is really good for muscle building and getting energy in the cells. Insulin is actually a good hormone, like any other hormone in the body, but it’s when it’s out of optimal range do we start to see problems. I felt like I needed to note that since I’m associating insulin with fat gain and that can easily demonize it. That’s not the case so keep reading.

As I mentioned, insulin becomes a problem when we have it in access and our body can’t process it properly. That is when our body can become more insulin resistant and has to produce more insulin for for it to be able to do it’s job. Having too much insulin in your system can lead to a slower metabolism, inflammation and can eventually lead to things like poor gut health and other hormone dysfunction.

So what is causing insulin to rise so much and stay high? With the clients I see it’s from stress factors.

  • Screen time

  • Long work hours

  • Little sleep

  • Over exercising

  • Not eating a balanced diet

  • Stressful season or family situation

  • Recently moved

  • Recently ended a relationship

  • Recently started a new job

  • Stressed from confusing gut issues

  • Frustrated from failed diet attempts

This actually reminds me of when I started to realize I had an insulin problem, which by the way I was in deniable about because I am a dietitian. Our numbers are always perfect! Well it turns out I didn’t learn everything I needed to know about insulin until I started studying and practicing function nutrition.

In conventional school for dietitians or nutrition, we are taught about insulin surrounding diabetes and sugary diets. It was kind of assumed that insulin resistance only happened in patients with pre-diabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome or heart disease.

Wrong. It can apply to anyone because insulin is impacted by all types of stress. In my early 20’s I actually had HIGH insulin due to under eating and overexercising. I’m sure there were other stressors involved, but that was the main two.

So now for my clients and for myself, I draw specific labs to monitor metabolism and over all health including insulin. We go far beyond just what you are eating and how much you are exercising (side note: most of you are overexercising in your weight loss efforts).

These specific labs helps me identify any problem areas and what might be the root cause to weight loss resistance, gut issues and/or hormone imbalances.

Looking to get more labs and information on how YOUR body is functioning? Join in on the new package: Metabolism Starter Pack. This is for anyone who feels like they’re doing everything right, but not getting progress and feels like something is still off…

Let me help you find the answers to those big questions marks about your metabolism, hormones and who to overcome weight loss resistance.


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