Are Eggs Healthy?
Let’s cut to the chase: YES! Eggs are healthy.
Ok… so where did the confusion come from and what changed??
In the 70’s eggs were identified as unhealthy because studies came out that a low fat low cholesterol diet lowered blood cholesterol levels. Unfortunately those studies were a bit skewed and come to find out dietary cholesterol is as much of a threat to us as we once thought. Cholesterol is actually a very important molecule for our body. We need it to make hormones so if you have trouble with PMS or ovulation, you want to check your dietary cholesterol. It also plays a role in digestion and bile production so if you have gut issues, you want to check your dietary cholesterol and liver health. There is actually more information on that here.
Plus, higher cholesterol in the blood only becomes a problem when inflammation is present which does happen often. But the thing is, eliminating cholesterol from the diet won’t necessarily lower cholesterol OR inflammation so it may not make you healthier. In fact, it could make it harder for the body to be healthy because of some of the reasons listed above.
What’s even more wild is that the body knows how to make cholesterol so if we don’t eat enough, our body will make it. So let’s put cholesterol aside for a moment and look at alllll the other benefits we would miss out on if we don’t eat eggs. Remember, people were avoiding eggs (egg yolk specifically) because of the cholesterol content. It’s a great source of protein, Vit A, choline and B vitamins. Which by the way most of that is in the yolk. So no more do you have to ask for egg whites only and you can eat the whole egg!
Eggs are especially good for women because we often don’t get enough protein, we have thyroid issues which we need vitamin A for and choline will support our adrenals. Have you heard of adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue? That is common for women as well so we need more of that choline! Read more about chronic fatigue here and what you can do to reverse it! While adding eggs to your routine is helpful, there’s so much more you can do to feel energized again.
Want to learn more? Download my free video series on metabolism. All these steps are crucial for energy production, healthy metabolism and weight loss. You can find it here