Always Order Reverse T3 for Your Labs

This is one of my favorite tests because the results usually give the client an “ah ha” moment. It helps them put what they are feeling in their body on paper along with showing us how their thyroid is working. It’s a really great starting point for understanding why their metabolism may be slow (and creating lowwwww energy, horrible gut pain and skin issues).  It also helps them not feel so crazy because they have solid proof of what they are feeling and thinking is actually real. Does this sound like you? You’re not alone! 

Reverse T3 is not a common blood test because it is not considered ‘standard of care’ for thyroid management and many doctors don’t believe it to be reliable. However, it can be really helpful to get the full picture of how your thyroid is functioning. It should be noted that NO test is 100% perfect. That is why it is so important to look at several labs, symptoms and be checking in with a professional as you implement changes to your routine, but like i mentioned this one can be really insightful.

Most thyroid panels, or orders from your doctor, include just TSH and maybe T4. This is only partly helpful because TSH is a signal from your brain that tells the thyroid to either speed up or slow down. T4 is one of the hormones that is released into the bloodstream once TSH signals the thyroid, but it’s not the active form of the hormone (where the magic happens) so that’s why we need way more than just TSH and T4. Then, when you get Reverse T3 on top of all of that, it can show you if the body is trying to protect itself. For example, if you are really really stressed the body will produce Reverse T3 to tell the thyroid to deactivate T3. As a result you will feel more fatigued and essentially the body is forcing you to slow down (and deal with stress). It’s a protective mechanism. You may also see weight loss resistance or weight gain, gut issues like bloating or skin/hair issues. 

Since it is a protective mechanism I’m still thankful for Reverse T3, but I want to lower it if it is in the higher range.

Reasons for high Reverse T3:

-Stress 🙂

-Low mineral status

-Low iodine specifically 

-Not enough carbs

-Not enough protein

-Gut not absorbing nutrients

-Gut infections 

-High levels of estrogen

-Poor sleep habits


Why Won’t My Doctor Order These Labs?


Insulin Resistance: The Reason for Weight Gain